Local Notices

Job Opportunity - CAO Position

Job Opportunity: Chief Administrative Officer - please see below for full advertisement. 

Attention Flood Affected Property Owners

Following the significant rainfall accumulations and storm conditions experienced in our community this week, the province is investigating whether this abnormal rainfall event will qualify for the Province of Manitoba’s Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) program.
Property owners and residents who experienced uninsurable storm related damages are asked to follow the advice provided on the Province’s website: www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/residence.html and complete an application form to request disaster financial assistance funding. Manitoba will use this information to determine if a financial assistance program will be declared.
If you have experienced damage to your property as a result of recent heavy rainfalls:
  • Take pictures of the damages and any repairs you make
  • Keep detailed records of any repairs (invoices for labour, materials, contracted work, etc.)
  • Contact your insurance provider to verify whether the damages are eligible for insurance. If a DFA program is established, you will need to have your insurance provider complete an Insurance Declaration Form (found on the Province’s website)
  • Fill out an application for Disaster Financial Assistance at https://forms.gov.mb.ca/dfa-application/ OR Contact Manitoba EMO at 1-888-267-8298 or emo@gov.mb.ca to request a paper or electronic copy of a DFA application
Through the evening and night of Monday, September 16th and the morning of Tuesday, September 17th, 2024, the region experienced an abnormal amount of rain.
Due to the saturated ground conditions, and the amount of rain that fell during this time, significant overland flooding occurred as drains and ditches were either at capacity or over capacity and spilling over their banks, with water levels still rising on September 19th, 2024, in certain areas.
For further information about Disaster Financial Assistance, please visit the Province of Manitoba’s website ( https://www.gov.mb.ca/emo/dfa/index.html ).

2024 Property Tax Bills

All 2024 Property Tax Bills have been mailed out! If you do not receive yours in the next week, please contact our office to confirm your mailing address. 

Notice of Speed By-Law Amendment

The RM of Ste. Anne Speed By-law #2023-18, has been further amended by Council Resolution #2024-427 to reduce the speed limit on a number of additional roads.  Click here to see the full by-law.

NOTICE - No Truck Route By-Law Amendment

The RM of Ste. Anne No Truck Route By-law #2024-07, has been amended by Council Resolution #2024-318:

1. To restrict Road 45N between Road 39E and Hwy #1E Service Road to now be a permanent No Truck Route. 



For more information please visit the No Truck Route By-Law.

Public Notice - Board of Revision



Public notice is hereby given that the 2025 Assessment Roll for the Rural Municipality of Ste. Anne has been delivered to the Municipal Office at 395 Traverse Road in Ste. Anne, Manitoba and is open for public inspection during regular business hours.  Any person who believes that an assessment ought to be revised may make application in accordance with Section 42 and 43 of The Municipal Assessment Act:

Application for Revision

42(1)    A person in whose name property has been assessed, a mortgagee in possession of property under subsection 114(1) of The Real Property Act, an occupier of premises who is required under the terms of a lease to pay the taxes on the property, the authorized agent of the person, mortgagee, or occupier, or the assessor may make application for the revision of an assessment roll with respect to the following matters:

            (a)        liability to taxation;

            (b)       amount of an assessed value;

            (c)        classification of property;

            (d)       a refusal by an assessor to amend the assessment roll under subsection 13(2).

Application requirements

43(1)    An application for revision must

(a)        be made in writing;

(b)       set out the roll number and legal description of the assessable property for which a revision is sought;

(c)        set out which of the matters referred to in subsection 42(1) are at issue, and the grounds for each of those matters; and

(d)       be filed by:

           (i)  delivering it or causing it to be delivered to the office indicated in the public notice given under subsection 41(2), or

           (ii) serving it upon the secretary,

at least 15 days before the scheduled sitting date of the board as indicated in the public notice.


The Board of Revision will sit on Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 at 10:00 am in the Council Chambers of the Rural Municipality of Ste. Anne, at 395 Traverse Road, in the RM of Ste. Anne, to hear applications, with virtual participation options available upon request.


The final date by which applications must be received by the Secretary of the Board, CAO Mike McLennan, is Monday, October 28th, 2024 at 4:00 pm.


DATED this 24th day of September, 2024.


Mike McLennan                                                                      Box 6 Grp 50 RR1

Chief Administrative Officer                                                    Ste. Anne MB  R5H 1R1

cao@rmofsteanne.com                                                          Fax :  204-422-9723

Changes to Fire Protection Services

As of January 1, 2024, there have been some changes related to fire services coverage areas within the RM. As shown on the fire coverage map, areas previously serviced by the Steinbach Fire Department adjacent to or south of the PR 311, will now be covered by the La Broquerie Fire Department.

Properties north of the PR 311 previously serviced by the Steinbach Fire Department are now covered by the Hanover Fire Department’s Blumenort Hall.  All other properties are covered by the same departments as in years past.  These changes either maintain or improve response times, and ensure that all who live in the RM of Ste Anne have optimal fire protection services.

If you have any questions or concerns, or would like more information, please contact the RM office (204) 422-5929.

Randy Eros speaks with CBC Radio regarding our Animal Abandonment By-Law

Ward 6 Councillor, Randy Eros, speaks with Marjorie Dowhos from CBC Radio One regarding the new Animal Abandonment By-Law that has recently been passed. 

Click HERE to listen to the interview.

Rebates for RM Residents

Residents of Ste. Anne Municipality have access to:

-  A $35 rebate for learn to swim lessons per level per child (up to age 14) per year.

-  A free membership to the Ste. Anne Library OR a $60 annual rebate for a Jake Epp Library Membership.

Electronic Recycling

Did You know?!?
The 1st Tuesday of each month you can drop off any old electronics at 35042 PR 210 (the old Public Works Shop)
Electronic Recycling Program♻
If it is rainy or rough weather, the bin will be available the following day (Wednesday).
Friendly Reminder: If you are throwing away your electronics, make sure all personal data is removed.
What can you Recycle?
We collect:
  • Apple Mac Items
  • Computers (desktops, laptops and Notebooks
  • Network Equipment
  • Peripherals (keyboards, mice, CD/DVD Rom)
  • Scanners
  • Servers
  • Hubs
  • Barcode Equipment
  • Monitors-CRT, LCD
  • PC Parts
  • Printers
  • Server Racks
  • Switches
  • UPS
  • Tablets
  • Toners and Cartridges
  • wires and cables
  • fax machines
  • gaming consoles
  • projection systems
  • telecommunication equipment
  • cameras
  • audio/stereo equipment
  • mobile phones
  • phones
  • satellite equipment
  • wireless equipment
  • batteries
  • software
  • tapes

Clean Farm & Fertilizer Recycling Program

The RM of Ste. Anne is proud to participate in the Cleanfarms.ca Pesticide and Fertilizer Container Recycling Program. Farmers can drop off the containers in the fenced compound for this purpose at the Municipal Shop Yard (35042 PR 210). For more information please click here.